We would like to use the data collection service but are not regular SLS users. How shall we proceed?

Our service is in principle independent of the purchase of shifts at the SLS, which is handled by SLS Technology Transfer AG.  So, in order to use our service, customers need to seclude a second contract with SLS TTAG specifying the purchase of shifts. If you are not yet familiar with SLS paperwork we will gladly assist you in the process. Just give us a call or send us an email.


How does the shipment of the dewars work?

The Paul Scherrer Insitute logistics handle all the shipments to and from the SLS. Find the dewar shipping instructions here. The person responsible is Sonia Reber.


Our Dewar has been held up at customs or made a little detour and will probably not make it to the SLS in time for the scheduled shift.

Please email the tracking number to us and Sonia Reber, who is in charge for dewar shipments at the SLS end, so that we can check on the expected dewar arrival time. If it should arrive at the SLS to late for your shift, we organize alternative beamtime by switching shifts with other customers or switching with in-house time.


Can I buy Expose T-shirts?

Nope sorry. Our T-shirts are a limited edition and only available if you lose or win a silly bet.